
What are the skills every boy in middle school should learn? At Eaglebook, we believe in the list below.
教师 members at Eaglebrook are committed to teaching middle school-aged boys the skills they will need for the rest of their lives, and they are able to do that in an environment that is beautiful, 舒适的, 和安全的. 在教室里, 宿舍, 餐厅, 运动场地, and in all other areas of school life, Eaglebrook学校 seeks to foster and teach middle school aged boys the following core skills.

核心技能 at Eaglebrook学校


  • The Skills of Self-Advocacy and 问责制

    • Ability to develop one's passions and interests
    • Ability to understand type of learner one is
    • Ability to seek out additional help
    • Ability to modify approach to situation in keeping with one's learning style
    • Ability to take responsibility for one's actions
  • The Skills of Understanding Information

    • Ability to read information
    • Ability to take notes effectively
    • Ability to conduct research
    • Ability to listen effectively
    • Ability to use technology appropriately to gather information
  • The Skills of Communicating Information

    • Ability to write effectively
    • Ability to speak effectively
    • Ability to listen effectively
    • Ability to use technology appropriately to communicate
  • The Skills of Critical Thinking

    • Ability to listen effectively
    • Ability to analyze information
    • Ability to judge validity of information
    • Ability to use creativity and imagination
  • The Skills of Self-Expression and Creativity

    • The ability to connect and express ideas in unique ways
    • The ability to speak and write of feelings and emotions
    • The ability to use a variety of media to show ideas and emotions
    • The ability to solve problems with imagination and creativity
  • The Skills of Organization and Time Management

    • Ability to maintain an organized academic life
    • Ability to put plans and guidelines into action
    • Ability to maintain an organized extracurricular life
    • Ability to use study time effectively
    • Ability to use technology appropriately for organization
  • 公民的技能

    • Ability to work and collaborate as part of group
    • Ability to appreciate and respect differences
    • Ability to understand the connectedness of the world
    • Ability to act as a responsible cyber citizen
  • The Skills of Healthy Living

    • Ability to maintain a good diet
    • Ability to practice cleanliness and hygiene
    • Ability to get proper rest and exercise
    • 管理压力的能力


  • 光,智慧

    This is the light that comes from:
    • 好奇心
    • 开放的思想
    • 的决心
    • 幽默
    • 同情
  • 信念:信念,信任

    This is the faith and trust that is the foundation of:
    • 尊重
    • 团队合作
    • 勇气
    • 诚实
    • 信心
  • 劳动:工作,努力

    This is the hard work that is required for:
    • 订婚
    • 弹性
    • 耐心
    • 独立
    • 乐观
  • Facta: Deeds, Accomplishments

    These are the deeds that are reached through:
    • 平衡
    • 责任
    • 奖学金
    • 服务
    • 问责制


Your son’s unique journey starts right here, right now.
松诺克路271号| P. O. Box 7   |    Deerfield, MA 01342   |   413-774-7411